Wednesday, August 03, 2005

I am a snob...

Please don't be mad or think less of me....

I don't like old things (not as in antique, but as in OLD) that need to be replaced. I don't like old couches or old dishes, drinking glasses, pots and pans..... that are tired and just want to go to a more needy family as I buy new ones.

I clean my items that are dirty so they look new again. Fan, Plastic Storage Containers, Hairdryer, Curling Iron.


am I going to hell?...


At 9:04 PM, Blogger rebecca marie said...

i'm not sure if you are or not, but click here and kirk cameron will tell you.

At 7:19 AM, Blogger James T Wood said...

Dude, Kirk is a little freaky - have you gone through the section for non-Christians? It actually asks you to say if you are guilty or innocent of keeping the ten commandments.

Well, "old-thing-hater" isn't on the list. Kirk says you're ok (but aparently I'm going straight to hell).

At 7:57 AM, Blogger rebecca marie said...

i know, according to that, i am, too.

At 8:38 AM, Blogger tabitha jane said...

WHERE did you find that!?!? things like this are just disgusting. . .

At 9:05 AM, Blogger Amanda said...

T: Are you talking about the dish picture or Kirk Cameron?

At 9:13 AM, Blogger rebecca marie said...

i honestly don't remember where i found it, i found it a couple years ago. but when i searched for it to put it here, i noticed that it had been jazzed up quite a bit. so apparently, it's a popular enough site that ol' kirk has improved it.

you know, i think i found it when i was looking for a talking book version of the left behind series a few years back, so i could listen at work. i've heard that the books are good. kirk was in the movie version or something, so that's how i stumbled upon it, if memory serves.

At 11:56 AM, Blogger tabitha jane said...

i was talking about kirk, amanda. the dishes aren't that bad, but i've never understood people who wallpaper their bathrooms with that kind of "pattern" (no offense ot anyone reading this whose bathroom looks like that. i don't hate you, i just don't understand you).

At 11:16 PM, Blogger breanna said...

You guys, gettaloadathis: I met Kirk a couple years ago when i was working at Spirit West Coast. AND when my mom was married to #3 i was actually related to Jeremy who played "ben" on Growing Pains. we hung out. i'm not lying.

anyways, i met Kirk because i was running sound for his stage. I got all interested in what he was doing (you know he married that girl from the show?) and he's been doing this extreme evangelism stuff for a LOOOONG time now. He's on TBN all the time, which i watch, i'm not sure why. pretty interested.

Back to the subject at hand: i am SOOOO with you Mermanda. one of the ALLTIMEGROSSESTTHINGSEVER that i saw was this (gag) curling iron (gag) that had like (gagging) an INCH of WHOKNOWSWHAT just caked on there (dry heave) and....oh I can't go on. I just DON'T understand how people can live with dust caked in their homes...with old grossie things sitting around...i'm such a snob too.

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