Wednesday, July 12, 2006

In Honor of My Return

I would first like to say that this is a glorious and miraculous day on earth when the sustenance that is the internet returns to my home (and when breanna was born!). I apologize for my lengthy departure and appreciate those who have kept my faith alive by posting a comment each week about people who don't leave messages.... let me give you something new.

I heard of this wonderful thing this week and I absolutely had to share it with everyone. There was this article in Billboard magazine that basically states that the song that was number one on the day you turned 18 has a profound impact on the rest of your life. I have to admit that I fall into the symbolic/dramatic and am now currently relating my song into every aspect of my day from helping me decide what to eat for breakfast to thinking it's kismet that there's a new lotion with the same title.

There is a UK song and a USA song

I'll show you mine if you show me yours : )


At 9:07 PM, Blogger NYC TAXI SHOTS said...


At 11:55 AM, Blogger James T Wood said...

I looked . . . um . . . "Killing me softly" . . . I don't really see any connection to my life (I hope).

Good to see you back in the blog-saddle again.

At 10:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mine is I'll Make Love To You, by Boyz II Men. I'm sappy and all that, but nope, nothing. Then again, I wasn't listening to that type of Music then, the first song on the chart that I remember is Stay by Lisa Loeb (#3); that fits better since I think that the Loeb Classical Library has the most perfect size, weight, and feel of any book, and I read a lot. Besides that, she is still cute.

At 6:13 PM, Blogger Niki said...

Hee hee... My UK song is "Bright Eyes" by Art Garfunkel and my US song is "Reunited" by Peaches and Herb. I always liked Paul Simon better, but I sing "Reunited" sometimes after a funny SNL skit back in the day. Those are the songs from the day I was born.

The songs from my 18th are, from the US, "Hypnotize" by the Notorious BIG and "You're Not Alone" by Olive in the UK. "Hypnotize" just has a good beat and I would dig it if I were a good hip hop dancer. And I had to look up the Olive song.... you should hear the sample on iTunes. If I had an extra 99 cents I would probably purchase just to hear the whole thing.

At 10:20 PM, Blogger Amanda said...

Everyone so far has had awesome songs - i think I was really lucky. My 18th Birthday US song is "Everything You Want" by Vertical Horizon and my UK song is "Breathless" by The Corrs - I honestly can't say that either of them have really impacted my life on a real level, but I was so in love with "Everything You Want" - i remember hearing it for the first time driving to Colorado with Niki...

... and I still listen to it as my fast paced/rather depressing/guilty pleasure.

(p.s. the songs from when I was born are "Don't You Want Me" by The Human League and "Fame" (the theme song from the movie!))

At 6:56 AM, Blogger rebecca marie said...

NICE! from when i was born... let's get it on - marvin gaye when i was 18 - everything i do - bryan adams. the bryan adams, not so funny, the marvin gaye, AWESOME.

At 11:26 AM, Blogger Jessica said...

Love it! From the day I was born: Save your Love by Renee and Renato... and Maneater by Hall n Oates
18th bday: Touch Me by Rui Da Silva feat Cassandra and Independent Woman part 1 by Destiny's child.


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