I realized this morning, as I was sitting here with my hashbrowns, perfectly moist (sorry Brea) scrambled eggs, and tea while pouring over my BOP to bask in my one day self-pleased and arrogant magnificence, that there was a serious issue threatening my coolness. I am taking today's precious post to rectify any misunderstandings that have/will occurred/occur.
It started about two months ago while walking around downtown Aberdeen. My friend and I had been talking about iPods and more specifically iTrip - the iPod accessory. Just prior to this we had been discussing teenage boys and their unfortunate affliction/struggle *ahem* prior to marriage. Needless to say, I am the kind of person who connects random discussion topics and I then came up with i...... - the Christian teenage boy's iPod accessory that allows them to charge their iPods and de-charge themselves.
Yes... I did tell that story the nicest way possible.
The next instance of such a joke occurred at the former residence of one Breanna during a heated game of scrabble. During the last crucial minutes of the game, and with no possible options of a good word, I laid down "iQuit" - Apple's new version of the nicotine patch. The word was funny enough to stand and to give me over 25 points.
Here's where the possible - and very small and unimportant - misunderstanding gets rectified. I can smell your iAnticipation (Apple and BandBWorks joint line of fragrances)
Any usages, therefore, of i_____ on my BOP (point of example the title of this post) are infact simply a phase of apple jokes and the beginning 'i' in no way refers to myself. Nor am I arrogant (point of example the title of this post).