Saturday, July 30, 2005

Serious/Fun Question of the Week

How many people did you seriously date/love/envision yourself with before you found "THE ONE"? Those of you who are still searching, how many have you (see above and add 'd's) and are still searching. Please keep in mind this does not count crushes.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Once and For All - I must know

------------------------- OR ----------------------------

iRule: Apple's new line of school supplies

I realized this morning, as I was sitting here with my hashbrowns, perfectly moist (sorry Brea) scrambled eggs, and tea while pouring over my BOP to bask in my one day self-pleased and arrogant magnificence, that there was a serious issue threatening my coolness. I am taking today's precious post to rectify any misunderstandings that have/will occurred/occur.

It started about two months ago while walking around downtown Aberdeen. My friend and I had been talking about iPods and more specifically iTrip - the iPod accessory. Just prior to this we had been discussing teenage boys and their unfortunate affliction/struggle *ahem* prior to marriage. Needless to say, I am the kind of person who connects random discussion topics and I then came up with i...... - the Christian teenage boy's iPod accessory that allows them to charge their iPods and de-charge themselves.

Yes... I did tell that story the nicest way possible.

The next instance of such a joke occurred at the former residence of one Breanna during a heated game of scrabble. During the last crucial minutes of the game, and with no possible options of a good word, I laid down "iQuit" - Apple's new version of the nicotine patch. The word was funny enough to stand and to give me over 25 points.

Here's where the possible - and very small and unimportant - misunderstanding gets rectified. I can smell your iAnticipation (Apple and BandBWorks joint line of fragrances)

Any usages, therefore, of i_____ on my BOP (point of example the title of this post) are infact simply a phase of apple jokes and the beginning 'i' in no way refers to myself. Nor am I arrogant (point of example the title of this post).


Wednesday, July 27, 2005

For Those Who Know...

Raise your hand if you've heard that there are people who find power incredibly attractive - or - you are someone who thinks power is attractive. Until last night I had fallen into the first category. Just click the title.

Diesel Sweeties

I had the good fortune yesterday to come across this website the other day - I highly recommend taking a glimpse although no one is allowed to purchase the pictured pirate tee. Anyone who does so must face my wrath. I'm being honest here. 80% of the time I am fine with people owning the same item as I do - HOWEVER - this does not apply to cute and indie t-shirts that I have taken the iTime to find. If you love me (and lets be honest... no one who doesn't love me would be reading my blog) you will refrain. Thankyou.